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Photography Calculators

Welcome to our Photography Calculators page! These handy tools help photographers quickly and accurately make essential calculations for capturing the perfect shot.

Easily calculate exposure settings, depth of field, hyperfocal distance, and much more. Just select your calculator, enter your data, and instantly receive precise results.

Spend less time on technicalities and more time behind the lens creating beautiful images!

Film Characteristics

Grain Size


Dynamic Range

10 stops

Best Lighting


Ideal Uses

Sports, events

Reference Guide

Film Speed Typical Uses Characteristics
ISO 25-50 Studio, Landscape Finest grain, rich colors
ISO 100-200 General purpose Good balance of grain and speed
ISO 400-800 Action, Low light Increased grain, versatile
ISO 1600+ Night, Available light Pronounced grain, high contrast

Use these calculators to help determine optimal camera settings for your shots.