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Photography Calculators

Welcome to our Photography Calculators page! These handy tools help photographers quickly and accurately make essential calculations for capturing the perfect shot.

Easily calculate exposure settings, depth of field, hyperfocal distance, and much more. Just select your calculator, enter your data, and instantly receive precise results.

Spend less time on technicalities and more time behind the lens creating beautiful images!

Select Filters

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Total Factor


Total Stops

0.0 stops

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Filter Guide

Neutral Density (ND) Filters

Used to reduce light transmission for longer exposures or wider apertures. Common uses include waterfalls, motion blur, and shallow depth of field in bright light.

Color Filters

Used in black and white photography to control how different colors are rendered in grayscale. Yellow and orange filters darken skies, while red dramatically darkens blue skies and foliage.

Polarizing Filters

Reduces reflections and glare, increases color saturation. Most effective at 90° to the sun, useful for landscapes and through glass/water.

Use these calculators to help determine optimal camera settings for your shots.