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Photography Calculators

Welcome to our Photography Calculators page! These handy tools help photographers quickly and accurately make essential calculations for capturing the perfect shot.

Easily calculate exposure settings, depth of field, hyperfocal distance, and much more. Just select your calculator, enter your data, and instantly receive precise results.

Spend less time on technicalities and more time behind the lens creating beautiful images!

Depth of Field Results

Near Point


Far Point


Total DOF


Understanding Depth of Field

  • Larger apertures (smaller f-numbers) create shallower depth of field
  • Longer focal lengths decrease depth of field
  • Closer focus distances decrease depth of field
  • Larger sensors (e.g., full frame) create shallower depth of field
Common Applications
Style Typical Settings
Portrait Wide aperture (f/1.4-f/2.8) for background blur
Landscape Small aperture (f/8-f/16) for maximum sharpness
Product Medium aperture (f/5.6-f/8) for balanced detail

Use these calculators to help determine optimal camera settings for your shots.