Different Types of Photography

15 Types of Photography You Should Know About in 2024

Welcome! You have come to a page that will tell you everything you need to know about different types of photography.

We are sure that you might have heard that ‘If you are not asking the right question, you are never going to find the correct answer.’ But by landing on this page, you have come to a place where you will get all the correct answers about photography.

If we were to describe photography to you, we would put it simply in front of you- it is a form of art. Meaning there can always be a correct way and wrong way of doing it, but the results will turn out to be impressive anyway.

Although, just like how art has rules about which color should go with which color, photography also has its rules based on the kind of object or theme that you are capturing vis-a-vis types of photography.

One of the most beautiful kinds of art via which you can express and freeze some of the best memories and moments.

We know you are here to learn about different types of photography, so without taking much time, let us give you that information real quick.

Types of Photography

If we ever make a list of every type of photography that has ever been found out, experimented on, or even mentioned, we’d have to write a whole book to sum it up, and even after that, there are still chances that we might miss out on a few types of photography.

Despite that, we have tried our best to include almost every type of photography and all the things you need to know about them.

When it comes to photography, there are types based on what you are capturing category-wise. We will learn about different categories before we head into sub-categories of its type

1. People photography

People photography is the type of photography you do when you are capturing real people, for example, when you are capturing portraits of the model. And it is just not about portrait photography.

To put it simply, any type of photography that requires real people to be in a camera frame is considered people photography.

The shots of this kind of photography can be very tricky as you have to manage the settings in your camera based on the type of photography that you are capturing, and you have to ensure that you are getting the best angle of the subject that you are capturing.

You have to take care of things like the light hitting at the right amount and right place. You will also have to manage the makeup and costume of the subject to ensure that there is perfect color balancing in the frame.

There are so many things that we are sure some of you are already aware of, but those of you who are not aware of the different aspects of this kind of photography will have to gain a lot from this piece.

People Photography

2. Nature Photography

Nature photography is also one of the vast subjects of photography. There are so many beautiful places all around the world. Have you ever seen a mountainside and the sun hitting the perfect spot on that mountain which creates the most beautiful scenic piece that you have ever seen?

If yes, then we are sure whether professional or not, you have thought of capturing that perfect shot in a frame. The good news is that you can do it with the right camera and the right lens.

Different kinds of photography, like travel photography, landscape photography, and wildlife photography, are part of nature photography. If you ever found the sky so mesmerizing and ended up capturing its picture- it is also a part of nature photography.

The main challenge that you might face in this kind of photography is that you have to make the best of the lighting and color balancing that you get naturally, adjust your camera setting according to that and capture an image that is improved yet does not make the scene lose its authenticity.

One of the most important things that matter in this kind of photography is the composition of the image you have captured.

Nature Photography

3. Sports Photography

This is the kind of photography where you would be required to have a camera that is exceptional when it comes to its shutter speed. As sports photography requires you to be constantly alert, so you do not miss the best capture in live sport, you have to have a camera that is fast.

Apart from that, you also have to be very much aware of the different features and settings of the camera that you can make the best use of while you are capturing the image.

Any live spots have constant movement, and capturing a shot with a good shutter speed also requires the camera to have a really good aperture. A good aperture in sports photography is needed because, without it, the lighting of the shot might not be as good.

4. Product Photography

There is always one of those types which requires people to have experimental courage. If we were comparing the most challenging type of photography, we are sure that product photography will always be on top of the charts, as it requires photographers to always come up with different and creative ways to capture the image.

The composition is a priority part of this kind of photography. The product or an object, background, or we can say set up before the photography, etc., will take a lot of time and effort.

But one thing is definitely sure if you are a creative photographer who always likes to experiment with new techniques and angles, product photography is your field.

5. Architectural photography

There is art in almost everything, and to capture that art, you need a good camera. You can consider architectural photography as one kind of photography that shows you some of the best buildings all around the globe.

Although, what you need to understand is that you will require a decent lens that is perfect for this kind of photography.

Depending on the kind of architecture you like to capture, the choice of your lens can be decided. But all-in-all, you have to ensure that you have learned all the technicalities you need to learn about this kind of photography.

Architectural photography

Now, there is no end to the different types of photography that any photographer can do but what matters most is the area of your expertise. Usually, the best photographers are known to have expertise in one or more fields.

There could be a reason that you are here, and one of those reasons could be that you are trying to figure out what is the best choice for your photography career.

What we learned about are some of the basic types of photography, but even in that criteria of the type, there are many more types of photography that you can choose to excel in.

Let’s have a look at the most common types of photography that most photographers tend to expertise in,

  • Wedding photography- Wedding photography is something that requires you to be attentive to the surroundings of the event. Lately, we have seen there are always new kinds of ideas that are executed in photography, such as this. Wedding photography requires you to have a really good camera and even better lighting skills. After all, you are capturing the best moment of someone’s life with your camera.
  • Astrophotography- Judging by the names, we are sure that you have figured out what kind of photography this is. Have you ever seen a night sky so beautiful in an image that you can almost make out all the constellations on it? Well, if yes, and you were mesmerized by it, you have an astrophotographer to thank. To learn this kind of photography, one is required to have patience and a camera lens that is capable of capturing the image even in the night sky with little to no light. On the other hand, some knowledge of the sky and constellations could help you out.
  • Wildlife photography- This may be a type of photography that is exciting and requires you to have another level of survival skills. When you are doing wildlife photography, there are always some risks that you are taking. For example, if you are photographing a lion, you will have to photograph him from quite far away; getting near him to capture the shot might risk your life. There are always some lenses that you can use to make this kind of photography easy for you. But out of all the different types of photography, this is one of a kind in which you might even have to wait for hours to capture one perfect shot.
  • Fashion photography- Fashion photography is not always related to humans. There are always different ways fashion photographers choose to click on their subject or, in some cases, object. For example, if the photographer has to capture a shot of a dress, it can either be of a model wearing the dress or of the dress in different aesthetically pleasing locations. It entirely depends on the photographer. This kind of photography also includes photography of the model ramp walking in a show.
  • Food photography- As social media is developing extremely fast, there is a platform for everyone, and for the same reason, there are so many food bloggers. Despite that, food photography has been a trend since the beginning. It is not as easy as it seems to be; it requires you to have attention to detail in the dish that you are capturing so it can make an appeal to its viewers. If you are photographing for a food brand, you will have to make sure the food looks attractive but not misleading. That can be one of the challenges that you face. Depending on that, you will also have to make sure the lighting is correct, and you are using a suitable lens. One thing that we have come to realize when it comes to food photography is that you have to take care of which part of the dish you want to focus on. Once you figure that out, your image turns out to be really great.
  • Travel photography- Travel photography began when people started capturing their photos on their trips to keep a memory of the trip. Sooner than later, it became a trend to increase tourism in different countries. To be honest, travel photography literally recommends a place to visit or a country to travel to. For this kind of photography, you will need a camera that is easier to carry, is lightweight but still delivers an image that is good in quality and resolution. You can also choose to get a camera that is compatible with many lenses that you will need for your travel photography and get the best out of it.
  • Macro photography- Macro photography is basically photography of small things. i.e., Bee on a flower. This kind of photography is particularly useful when you want to capture a very small object from a distance. To do macro photography, you will require a macro lens. Without the macro lens, you will not be able to do macro photography, which is extremely amazing. This is also one of the popular types of photography as you are capturing small objects and insects with it from a distance.
  • Photojournalism- This is one type of photography that has been in existence since the day newspapers came into existence. It is related to journalism. In photojournalism, you capture images related to the news, which might include everything that might even horrify us. You might have to go through some kind of education or training to get into it professionally. There might even be instances in this kind of field where your life can be in danger. You usually need a camera that is quite easy to use and has great camera clarity to capture your shots for photojournalism because your photo also depicts a story.
  • Bird photography- There are people who like bird watching, and there are people who like to capture them in a frame. Bird photography is one of the ways you can identify different birds and keep them with you in a photograph. As we all know, you cannot simply go near the bird to capture the shot. You will have to get a lens that gives you a good, clear, and HD shot of the birds even when they are quite far from you.

No matter which kind of photography you want to do, one thing is certain- you require practice. There are multiple mediums available now where you can learn in-depth about different ways you will have to manage your camera, lighting, and other parts of the photography.

There are still many different types of photography you can choose to do. It all depends on your area of interest and expertise.


Photography might seem like an easy task to the people who see the photograph, but the truth is that it requires so much effort. We saw almost all the different kinds of photography photographers tend to expertise in.

There are also those who like to do photography just for the sake of memory. But when you are choosing to do photography for a profession, you will have to take care of every little thing that affects your final result.

We hope the article gives you the insight you will need into different types of photography, and it might help you choose one if you are new to photography. Remember this; it doesn’t matter which type of photography you decide to do.

The very first thing that you have to take care of is that it should be in the area in which you are most interested.

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